

Alagan S. Anpalagan received  B.A.Sc. M.A.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Toronto, Canada. He joined with the ELCE Department, Ryerson University, Canada in 2001, and was promoted to Full Professor in 2010. He served the department in administrative positions as Associate Chair, Program Director for Electrical Engineering, and Graduate Program Director. During his sabbatical, he was a Visiting Professor at Asian Institute of Technology, and Visiting Researcher at Kyoto University. His industrial experience includes working for three years with Bell Mobility, Nortel Networks, and IBM. He directs a research group working on radio resource management (RRM) and radio access and networking (RAN) areas within the WINCORE Laboratory. He also completed a course on Project Management for Scientist and Engineers at the University of Oxford CPD Center, Oxford, U.K.

Dr. Anpalagan has co-authored four edited books including Design and Deployment of Small Cell Networks (Cambridge University Press) and Handbook on Green Information and Communication Systems (Academic Press) and two books including Internet of Things for Smart Cities and Game-theoretic Interference Coordination Approaches for Dynamic Spectrum Access (Springer). His research interests include 5G+ wireless systems, IoT and Flying networks, data-driven and AI-inspired radio resource management, mobile edge computing, wireless cross layer design and optimization. He served as an Editor for the IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SURVEYS AND TUTORIALS (2012-2014), IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS (2010-2013), and EURASIP Journal of Wireless Communications and Networking (2004-2009). He also served as Guest Editor for seven special issues including IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS: Sustainable Green Networking and Computing in 5G Systems, IEEE ACCESS on Internet of Things in 5G Systems, IET COMMUNICATIONS on Evolution and Development of 5G Wireless Communication Systems, and ACM MONET on Green Cognitive and Cooperative Communication and Networking. He served as TPC Co-Chair, IEEE VTC Fall 2017, TPC Co–Chair, IEEE INFOCOM’16: First International Workshop on Green and Sustainable Networking and Computing, IEEE Globecom15: SAC Green Communication and Computing, IEEE PIMRC11: Cognitive Radio and Spectrum Management.

Dr. Anpalagan served as Vice Chair, IEEE SIG on Green and Sustainable Networking and Computing with Cognition and Cooperation (2015–20), IEEE Canada Central Area Chair (2012-2014), IEEE Toronto Section Chair (2006-2007), ComSoc Toronto Chapter Chair (2004-2005), and IEEE Canada Professional Activities Committee Chair (2009-2011). He was the recipient of the IEEE Canada J.M. Ham Outstanding Engineering Educator Award (2018), SGS Outstanding Contribution to Graduate Education Award (2017), Deans Teaching Award (2011), Faculty Scholastic, Research and Creativity Award thrice, Faculty Service Award twice, from the Ryerson University. He was also the recipient of IEEE M.B. Broughton Central Canada Service Award (2016), Exemplary Editor Award from IEEE ComSoc (2013) and Editor-in-Chief Top10 Choice Award in Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technology (2012) and, a coauthor of a paper that received IEEE SPS Young Author Best Paper Award (2015). He is a Registered Professional Engineer in the province of Ontario, Canada and Fellow of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (FIEEE).

wincore aboutWINCORE Lab
in the Ryerson University engages in technology-oriented research from the physical to application layers of wireless communications. Radio Resource Management and Radio Access and Networking (RRM+RAN) Group is the leading research group within WINCORE Lab. We offer advanced education and training in research and development in the emerging needs of the today’s communications industry. The research group has an alumni strength of more than 100 as of 2019, that includes post doctoral fellows, research associates, doctoral and master’s students, undergraduate research assistants.

Some highly cited contributions are in the areas of: opportunistic and distributed spectrum access, cooperative sensing and sharing, 2D spreading in multicarrier systems, resource allocation in cooperative cognitive networks, multi-objective resource optimization for green communication, cooperative small cell networking.

We worked with industry that include Applied Location, PESIplex, Redline Communications, PlayLab, Cloud I.T. and SensorSuite. We successfully completed industrial research and development projects using collaborative R&D grants from NSERC Discovery, IPM, ENGAGE; OCE TPS, ConnectCanada, MITACS, AUTO21 and FedDev ARC.